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Virgo daily horoscope

March 14, 2024: Mix-ups and changes in plans are likely today so don't get too upset. Go with the flow and things work out by tomorrow. If anyone has any apologies to make, they should find the right words with very little difficulty. Interrupted sleep is likely due to keyed up emotions and romantic notions.

(Ratings,1-5)> Love/Fun = 3 Career/Money = 3 Luck/Health = 5.

"I'm living so far beyond my income that we may almost be said to be living apart."-e e cummings

March 13, 2024: People can't keep their word. There are likely to be unkept promises and mix-ups in personal talks and communications. Yesterday may have been a bit harrowing, but things settle down nicely today. You may want to exaggerate your past to get a better future.

(Ratings,1-5)> Love/Fun = 2 Career/Money = 2 Luck/Health = 5.

"The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work."-Emile Zola

About Virgo


August 24 - September 23

Element: Earth
Modality: Mutable
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Personality Traits: Discriminating, Analytical, Practical, Meticulous, Modest
General Compatibility: Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Color: Forest Green, Emerald Green
Gemstones: Emerald, Jade, Malachite, Tourmaline
Foods: Spinach, Seeds, Endive, Escarole, Parsley, Yogurt
Challenged to be: Inspired, happy, forgiving, courageous and generous
Spiritual Path: To believe in positive, universal interconnections

Look who shares your birth sign:
Yassir Arafat, Agatha Christie, Sean Connery, Jackie Cooper, Queen Elizabeth I, Greta Garbo, Arthur Godfrey, Buddy Hackett, Jesse James, Gene Kelly, Stephen King, Alan Ladd, Sophia Loren, Rocky Marciano, Bob Newhart, Arnold Palmer, Lily Tomlin, George Wallace, Racquel Welch, and H.G. Wells.

Daily Love Horoscope
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