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Leo Daily Horoscope

February 15, 2024: Your appetite for having good times will burn hot today. Try not, however, to let pleasures distract you from obligations that need tending. Take advantage of positive overtures to lower your guard a little. Public dealings today are favored as you are especially articulate.

(Ratings,1-5)> Love/Fun = 3 Career/Money = 4 Luck/Health = 2.

"Women complain about premenstrual syndrome, but I think of it as the only time of the month that I can be myself."-Roseanne

February 14, 2024: The unexpected at work is likely to throw you off course and it may take you a while to regroup. With partners, make certain that you follow through on your commitments. People understand you better than ever, so don't be so worried. Your people skills are Libra-sharp and bring you splendid results.

(Ratings,1-5)> Love/Fun = 2 Career/Money = 3 Luck/Health = 5.

"Some say the glass is half empty, some say the glass is half full. I say, are you going to drink that?"-Lisa Clayme.

About Leo


July 24 - August 23

Element: Fire
Modality: Fixed
Ruling Planet: Sun
Personality Traits: Generous, Creative, Enthusiastic, Dynamic
General Compatibility: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Color: Golden Yellow, Lime Green
Gemstones: Peridot, Diamond, Carnelian
Foods: Chicken, Peas, Beans, Garlic, Onion, Oranges
Challenged to be: Humble, economic, detached, obedient and democratic
Spiritual Path: To learn universal patterns with objective precision
Look who shares your birth sign:
Alfred Hitchcock, Amelia Earhart, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bill Clinton, Dustin Hoffman, Gene Roddenberry, Gillian Anderson, H.P. Lovecraft, Jennifer Lopez, Jerry Garcia, Jimmy Dean, Julia Child, Lucille Ball, Lynda Carter, Madonna, Martha Stewart, Martin Sheen, Matthew Perry, Mick Jagger, Neil Armstrong, Robert De Niro, Sandra Bullock, Sean Penn, Whitney Houston

Daily Love Horoscope
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